
Marilyn Monroe died half century ago (on August 5th, 1962, 2012 is the 50 year anniversary of her death) at 36 (my age) but she'll live forever. She's probably the most iconic face in the world, that got copied and copied and copied to its exhaustion, but there's something about her that people, including men and women, never get tired of. Michelle Williams got an Oscar nomination this year for her role as Marilyn. She was the ultimate feminine woman, so I'm electing her as THE Wonder Woman of all, don't you agree? Here's an exemple of how she still rules... a very Marilyn inspired Carey Mulligan moment in the movie "Shame". 

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A maravilhosa Audrey Hepburn, essa nao precisa de palavras... Veja aqui porque!

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De um beco pobre de Roma veio a beleza de Sophia Loren para conquistar o mundo todo, me conquistou em "El Cid" (1961). Aqui vai um clipe divertido dela cantando com muita personalidade"Tu Vuo Fa L'Americano", tirado do filme "Começou em Nápoles", porque não só de beleza se faz uma mulher maravilhosa como Sofia!

From the slums of Rome, the beauty of Sophia Loren conquered the whole world. "El Cid"(1961) did it for me. Here's a fun clip of "It Started in Naples" where she sings with her shiny personality "Tu Vuo Fa L'Americano", because only beauty doesn't make a wonder woman!

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A bela Rita Lee (clique para assisti-la), a menina de Os Mutantes, completamente original e irreverente, hoje vovó do rock'n'roll, linda velha, linda nova e sempre. Obrigada por existir mulher maravilha!

The beautiful Rita Lee (click to see her in action), the girl from The Mutantes band, totally original and irreverent, today the grandma of brazilian rock 'n'roll, gorgeous old, gorgeous young and forever. Thank you for existing wonder woman!

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Monica Vitti, estrela dos filmes italianos de Antonioni na década de 60, a câmera caiu de amores por ela, e eu também... 

 Monica Vitti, star of the italian movies of Antonioni also in the 60's, the camera was obviously in love with her and so was I...

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Inaugurando a sessão das belas: Anna Karina, estrela de Goddard e do cinema novo francês na década de 60 e inspiração ate para porn star cabeça (a.k.a. Sasha Grey gone mainstream de "Confissões de uma Garota de Programa" do Soderbergh). MARAVILHOSA com M Maiúsculo. Confira a sua beleza no filme "Uma Mulher eh Uma Mulher", imperdível!

Opening the WonderWomen Page, Anna Karina, star of Godard and the nouvelle vague in the 60's, inspiration even to a porn start nowadays (a.k.a. Sasha Grey from "Girlfriend Experience". Check on the link about a piece taken from "A Woman is A Woman", irresistible!

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