Esse post vai ter mais capítulos, mas se eu não começar de alguma maneira eu não começo nunca, não eh? Então aqui vai o primeiro capitulo da nossa viagem ao Brasil!

This post will have more chapters because I will add more pictures little by little,  I had to start somehow... So here's some of the snapshots taken on our last trip to Brazil!

My beloved friend Che and her plastic eyebrowns

sweet moment @ my friend Anna Carla's home
baby not happy #1

playing plane with Che

the king (of mate, the tea)

hearing the heartbeats of his cousin in my sister's belly

baby not happy moment #2

my sister Adriana and her shocked godson!

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Minhas fotos de gravida, ensaio com Melissa Castro.
My pregnant photo session with Melissa Castro.

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Harry's 1st Flight to Brazil

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Hand and Foot Prints

(Sandy ficou com a cara verde porque quando ele tentou lavar os pes de tinta do nenem, ele acabou molhando ele todo, ai eu fiquei P da vida e pintei ele, kakaka)

(Sandy has his face green because when he tried to clean the baby's feet he got him all wet so I got "mad" and painted his face, hehehe)

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Meu bebezinho pelado!!! Que coisa mais fofa! 

My delicious naked little baby, what a cutie!

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